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Benefit and Harm of fruits

fruits-1Fruit (Latin fructus – fruit) – juicy edible fruit of the tree or shrub.  A variety of fruits are also berries.

I would like to briefly tell what is the benefit and harm of fruit. First of all, you should understand why people eat fruit for food. First, it is a rich source of vitamins and nutrients. Secondly, the use of fruit is that their constant use in the cold season, strengthens our immune system and helps the body to better resist viral diseases and colds.

Fruits such as apple, pear, all citrus fruits (especially grapefruit), mango help the body to dull hunger, moreover, some of them are good fat burners on top. But we should not forget that during the diet should not abuse the fruits that are high in protein (bananas), otherwise you may feel hurt fruit on its own figure.

Some fruits are a good remedy for depression, that’s the most important and famous of them: banana, melon  , pineapple. Constant eating them helps the body stay in shape and maintain a good mood. Plus all of the above on the benefits of fruits can say the following: fruits remain useful as long as you do not start to use them in too large quantities. Otherwise, you will be able to fully experience the harm yourself fruit. For citrus abuse may result in destruction of tooth enamel and damage the digestive organs (intestines, stomach).

Benefits and harms of fruit concepts are sometimes very close. For example, take apricot, if it would be eaten before a meal, it would be  difficult to digest and can cause indigestion. And if you eat apricot 15-20 minutes after a meal, the digestion will go easily and without difficulty.

Benefits of melon

 Fruit juice receipts

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