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Green Tea

Green tea has a great healing properties. It contains antioxidants, significantly slowing down the aging process. In the morning he invigorates no worse than coffee, strengthens the immune system and fights cancer.


The benefits of green tea has been known since ancient times. For hundreds of years it was used as a therapeutic agent of various ailments. The benefits of green tea and proven by modern scholars.

Many useful properties of green tea due to the greater content of various chemicals. In the main part of the tea 500 (!) Of the elements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, fluorine, et al.), 450 kinds of organic compounds (proteins, fats, etc.) and almost all group vitamins. Not surprisingly, Green tea brings much use!


Here are just a few components that make green tea is known for its magical properties:

Alkaloids. The main alkaloid of green tea caffeine. Thanks to him, we feel a surge of strength and vigor. However, green tea is not caffeine is present in pure form, but is bound and title Thein. It activates the physical and mental activity, improves performance, but in general the softer than pure caffeine.

Polyphenols. Benefits of green tea catechins and determined a group of related components of polyphenols. Polyphenols themselves are still actively studied by many scientists in medicine, they are used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.tea2

Green tea and is now considered a cure for a hundred diseases. After all, thanks to its member catechins, green tea – an excellent antioxidant. It perfectly removes toxins, burns fat and provides your body with all the essential vitamins. Green tea may be useful in case of poisoning, in the prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even cancer. It helps to lose weight, it is easier to tolerate stress and less tired!


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