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How to reduce blood cholesterol?

First of all, it would be prudent to reduce the use of such sources of saturated fat as meat, butter, cheese and refined oils. Whenever possible, replace these products with fish, poultry, or low-fat dairy products and polyunsaturated oils such as corn, sunflower or soy.

1. Switch to olive oil.

Olive oil and some other products, such as nuts, avocado oil, canola oil and peanut oil, have a high fat content completely different monounsaturated.

2.Eat less eggs:

If you want to eat an egg, and yet avoid the risk, reduce their intake to 3 units per week. Since cholesterol is found only in the egg yolks, protein you can eat freely, substituting 1 egg 2 proteins, when, for example, bake something. And omelets can be made from one egg and 2-4 proteins. In addition, some stores are now sold eggs with low cholesterol (15-50% less than normal).

3.Eat more beans!



    Nutritious and inexpensive, beans and other legumes contain a water-soluble fiber called      pectin, which surrounds cholesterol and removes it from the body! During one experiment in men who ate 1.5 cups cooked beans daily cholesterol decreased by 20% within 3 weeks.



4.Eat more fruits! (Of course)


Fruit may also have the ability to reduce cholesterol due to the presence in them of pectin. If you, for example, eat half a grapefruit for breakfast, an apple for lunch, a few slices of orange for lunch, you may be able to significantly reduce blood cholesterol.

5. Eat more oatmeal

To gain 6 g of soluble fiber per day, you should eat half a cup of oatmeal every day. It can decrease  total cholesterol by 5.3%!

6. Some corn will also do good job.

Corn bran equally effective in lowering cholesterol levels, as well as oat bran, and bean. After 12 weeks, you can reduce cholesterol levels even by 20%.!

 7. Call carrots,broccoli and onions  for help!


 For people with high cholesterol is enough to eat 2 carrots a day to reduce it by 10-20%. Incidentally, broccoli and onions also contain an ingredient that ensures the success of carrots .

8. Eat garlic!!

Researchers have long known that a large amount of raw garlic can reduce harmful fats in the blood. Unfortunately, the smell of raw garlic can reduce the number of your friends.:)))



9. Physical activity

Proved that the optimal physical activity can reduce cholesterol as much as diet and medicines prescribed by doctors.

 10. Simple relaxation

So relax! Simple relaxation can lower cholesterol levels!





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