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Again About Cheese

Recently we‘ve heard a lot that dairy products are not as healthy as we used to think in the past, but a new study recently published cheeses actually responds lost some face health. A study conducted at the School of Dentistry at the University of Michigan researchers have discovered, almost by accident, that cheese can help you avoid 30 different cancers.

According to the study, published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, the researchers sought to examine the merits of the peptide guard named We tried naturally generated as berry cheese, Camembert and Cheddar. We tried, appears in the form of powder without color and flavor cheeses, has been linked in past research to improve oral health, but the researchers were able to measure the positive effects of the material only in relatively small quantities ranging from 25 to -37.4 mg. In this study researchers were able to distill doses of 800 milligrams of material and forming it into a milkshake, which was given to mice who had cancerous tumors in the neck.

After 9 weeks of treatment experiment 70-80 precent managed to destroy cancer cells. The researchers also found that we tried to be effective even against MRSA germ (bacterium of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), is responsible for life-threatening infections and sometimes fatal.

NISIN launches his opponents double blow: it binds to bacteria and prevents it from middle to struggle with antibiotics. Treatment-resistant bacteria can be very difficult, if not impossible, and we tried prevents bacteria build colonies and reproduce as a reaction to antibiotic treatment. If human patients will be given substance in the form of a milkshake, similar to how the treatment is given to mice in the experiment, the quantity to be supplied to them would be 20 times greater than the amount we tried perpetuation found in cheeses.

While this is important and significant findings, but Dr. Yvonne Kfilih, a professor at the School of Dentistry at the University of Michigan who is who headed the study, explains that the results were too limited to conclude whether the NISIN will work the same way in humans. According Kfilih, until now never been identified resistant bacterium we tried in animals or humans, suggesting that it may stand the test of time as a tool for effective treatments.

“Nature has made a large part of the research work for us, this material is examined for thousands of years,” said Kfilih press release. “We tried uses advanced beyond the role as a store of biological food. The new findings, together with previously published data support the possibility that NISIN can use to treat bacteria resistant to diseases and cancer here,” she added.

This article was translated from “WALLA! NEWS”.


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