Lemon Grass
Lemon grass (lemon grass, lemongrass) – a fast-growing perennial plant, reaching a height of one and a half meters, the family-owned mjatlikovyh or cereal. Plants grow in China, India, America, Southern Europe and Africa.
In tropical climates plant can reach a height of 1.8 meters, in colder regions it grows no more than 1 meter. Sun-loving plant, but it can be nice to grow in places with mild shadow, afraid of the cold. It grows best in sandy soil, moisture-loving, so often it can be found on the marshland. Lemon grass has a strong root system, which rapidly depletes the soil.
The leaves are narrow, long, light green color. On the site are not covered, rising beam. Grow plants in gardens, greenhouses, pots as an ornamental plant.
The plant has a citrus flavor and a light lemon flavor. This odor repels insects from him, especially mosquitoes. Thus, when applied to human skin lemon grass juice, it is a few hours guaranteed protection against mosquitoes.
The composition of lemon grass:
The main element of lemongrass is citral, which share accounted for 70-85% of the plant. The remaining 15-30% – is farnesol, geraniol, citronellol, myrcene with aldehydes and other elements. The plant contains a large amount of ascorbic acid and vitamin A, iron, calcium and phosphorus.
By steam distillation of lemon grass essential oil is obtained, which is widely used as a pesticide in the candles and lamps insect repellent.
Properties and application of lemon grass:
Lemon grass is a powerful antiseptic, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, treats respiratory diseases, tones and refreshes, helps with muscle aches, dizziness, depression, weakness, nausea, stimulates metabolism, blood circulation, cures skin diseases, cellulite, acne, removes excess sweat and grease.
Application of lemon grass has on the anti-inflammatory, antifungal, tonic, antiseptic, sedative, astringent, deodorant, antioxidant, carminative, astringent, analgesic, healing effect.
In addition, the use of lemon grass helps to strengthen muscles, ligaments and connective tissue, increases the intensity of the exchange of blood in the tissue, increases stamina, strengthens the muscles and ligaments. Lemon grass also helps to lose weight.
Widely used essential oils in aromatherapy. It has on the psycho-emotional, therapeutic effects: fatigue, tones and refreshes, improves memory, stimulates potency, eliminates the headache.
Lemon grass is widely used in industry and pharmacology. The herb is rich in vitamin A, an antioxidant. In medicine, citronella is used to remove toxins from the body, for the treatment of liver, pancreas, kidneys and intestines. Citronella reduces uric acid and cholesterol, removes excess fat accumulation. Promotes activation of digestion and metabolism. Helps with colds, contributes to lowering the temperature, hence its English name fever grass. Citronella oil has antiseptic properties, is used as an antifungal agent.
Juice lemon grass – a natural insect repellent!
Lemon grass has an odor repels insects and is effective in the fight against mosquitoes. How to use: tear off the stem, strongly rub it, apply the juice on the exposed areas of the skin – over the next 4:00 protection against mosquitoes is guaranteed. You can also prepare a tincture: melem stalks lemon grass using a blender, the resulting juice is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1.
Modest in appearance, undemanding plant can give your garden a tropical charm