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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera – is a perfect plant in treatment, recovery and strengthening of the body !


Aloe vera has a lot of amazing benefits and the best using of them will to grow it on your garden or even in the flowerpot. This plant doesn’t need a lot of work for grown.

Aloe Vera increases the enzymatic activity, stimulates metabolism, improves blood flow to individual organs and blood circulation in general, and therefore increases the overall body.

It also has healing effect: it prevents skin aging and even has analgesic effect, regulate or adjust the immune system and improves metabolism.

These properties of Aloe Vera is especially important for people with disorders of the cardiovascular system, for the elderly, people who have suffered severe illness, surgery, for women and men in the period of hormonal changes. In other words, Aloe Vera prolongs the active period of a person’s life!

Under the influence of Aloe Vera intense the process of updating the body’s cells , as well as 6-8 times faster cell renewal on the damaged areas .

Aloe vera promotes the formation of collagen, connective tissue protein basis (particularly cartilaginous tissue located between the joints and vertebrae ) . This function regenerating Aloe Vera is especially appreciated in the treatment of wounds, burns, damaged tissues ( including the heart muscle in myocardial infarction ) .

Specific enzymes ( proteolytic ) destroy , recycle dead tissue . Is based on this amazing cosmetic effect and regeneration of the skin when used Aloe products, and joint action with collagen prevents skin aging and wrinkle formation .

Analgesic effect of Aloe Vera is determined by the presence in its composition of bioactive substances-anthraquinone. This is tested in the laboratory, clinical, and just everyday life.
Truly amazing property of Aloe Vera -is  to regulate or adjust the immune system. For this he was called – an immunomodulator.

It is cleaning, homeostatic, nutritional, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and regenerating – contribute to the restoration and normalization of life and the proper functioning of all organs and body in general.aloe

Aloe juice and all kinds of products based on it have powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties , and it is successfully fighting not only microbes but also fungi and some viruses . This ability of the aloe used to treat all types of inflammation (including purulent ) and burns skin and mucous membranes. Because of this aloe is used in surgery, dentistry , gynecology , internal medicine , diseases of the ear , nose and throat , with eye diseases and so on. If ingestion of aloe juice is especially helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract : gastritis, duodenitis , inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract , gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, enteritis , enterocolitis , colitis and hemorrhoids , intestinal and chronic constipation . In all these diseases necessarily in one degree or another there is an inflammation of the mucous membrane , which disappears through anti-inflammatory properties of aloe .

 Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

 Drinking Aloe Vera Juice normalizes the gastrointestinal tract , improves digestion and absorption of nutrients. Aloe vera has cleansing properties , accelerates the removal of toxins and metabolic products from the body, improves metabolism. Consequently, stronger immunity and increases the energy level in the body. Aloe Vera helps balance the functions of the endocrine glands, which has a positive effect on the skin. Has anti-inflammatory , soothing and healing effect . Support healthy joints and muscle activity .

 The benefits of vegetables


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