The Benefits of Vegetables
Here we would like to concentrate on benefits of vegetables and then to learn about some special benefits of some of them. We will learn about:
carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, garlic, tomatoes, peppers (red, yellow, green), beets, radishes, lettuce, peas, beans, dill, parsley, zucchini, eggplant and more.
Eating vegetables has become a major source of natural vitamins in the human body. The benefits of vegetables cannot be underestimated, because when we eat the cabbage, eggplant, cucumbers and tomatoes our body receives all the useful elements and vitamins. Who knew that red sweet pepper has more vitamin C then lemon, or that in tomatoes and parsley is huge amount of carotene.
Vegetables are important supplier of minerals, the body needs – potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and various trace elements.
Most vitamins are stored in the vegetables when they are in fresh form. Cooking, especially cooking and prolonged suppression reduces the vitamin content of vegetables. At the same time preserving techniques such as rapid freezing, pickling, retain a significant portion of vitamins for a long period.
If there are not enough vegetables in the diet, it can lead to poor health, reduced working capacity, the emergence of various diseases and shortened life expectancy. Their role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body consists in the fact that vegetables are the main suppliers of a number of vitamins, minerals alkaline nature of high-carbohydrate, pectin, cellulose gentle, organic acids, essential oils, etc. Many of them possess curative and preventive action in various diseases; improve the body’s resistance, especially children to a variety of infections, adverse effects of environmental factors.
I would also like to mention the important substances found in vegetables like enzymes. This is extremely active proteins that interact with vitamins and trace elements. Enzymes are important because affect the nutritional value of foods and biological, as well as facilitate the digestion and assimilation of nutrients from vegetables. That’s why we do not feel heaviness in the stomach after consumption of plant foods. All thanks to enzymes contained in vegetables.
Therefore, vegetables should be present in the daily human diet. Nutritionists say that an adult should consume an average of 500 grams of vegetables per day.
Some interesting receipes:
Roasted zucchini salad with mint
1. Zucchini 300,
2. Vegetable oil 3 tbsp
3. 2 cloves of garlic
4. 2 sprigs mint
5. Balsamic vinegar to taste
6. Sugar to taste
7. Solt
Zucchini cut into pieces measuring about 3×3 inches, pour vegetable oil and mix well.
Fry the zucchini in a dry frying pan over high heat, stirring occasionally, for 5-7 minutes.
Add sliced garlic and fry together garlic until transparent.
Add to squash salt and balsamic vinegar ostudit.Sbryznut zucchini, season with pepper and sprinkle with sugar.