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Benefits of bread



The diet of healthy person cannot be imagined without bread. People that need diet nutrition also cannot avoid bread. This product has a rare quality – bread will never get bored, and it that is why you can always add it in your diet.

Consuming daily bread, we provide the body with essential vitamins. Most richly wheat and rye grain B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (PP). Vitamin B1 in the human body is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Lack of this vitamin causes the disease of the nervous system.

Bread along with legumes, cereals and potatoes is the most accessible source of valuable vegetable protein that contains essential amino acids – lysine, methionine.

protein – 8.6 % and 5.6 %.

Bread rich in carbohydrates: white bread in about 50% of them, in rye bread about 40%.

Bread contains not so much fat – only 0.6 to 3%.

Bread is rich in vitamins of group B and also is a daily source of fiber and minerals needed by the body – iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium.

Benefits of bran bread

Bran is removed from the body in the form of not overcooked. It will not add energy value to the bread, but play the role of a cleaner, as a kind of natural “peeling” for the gastrointestinal tract.

Bran (the integral part of whole grains) creates volume in the stomach, thereby providing a feeling of satiety.

When bran is removed from grains, the grains lose a portion of their nutritional value.

Bran – is also an important source of essential fatty acids and trace ele

Rye bread contains three times more magnesium and lime in 4 times more phosphorus , iron, vitamins and PP is more than 7 times, and


Benefits of rye bread

Rye bread contains three times more magnesium and lime in 4 times more phosphorus, iron, vitamins and PP is more than 7 times, and more than 100 % of vitamin E, compared to bread of wheat flour, 75 percent grinding.

Rye bread made from wheat flour is better for most people than wheat. It has fewer calories and should prefer those who are inclined to corpulence.

Rye bread – it is a complex and valuable food. In order to maintain all components of the flour of grain, grinding should be 97-98 %. Products made ​​from this flour after baking must be very dark in color (not to be confused with the burnt).

Rye bread is not recommended for people with exacerbation of chronic gastritis with hyperacidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

To five food groups


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