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– organic substances which contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, most of those substances referred to sugars.

Carbohydrates – one of the main kinds of nutrients needed by the body . Nutritionists recommend so make daily ration to half it consisted of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are synthesized by plants from carbon dioxide and water . Carbohydrates are ideal for providing energy for all processes of our life.
Carbohydrates are needed to supply the brain. Furthermore , carbohydrates needed by the body as ” building blocks ” for amino acids, enzymes , nucleic acids , immunoglobulins ( necessary for immunity) .
But , and this is the main reason to dislike carbohydrates those who want to lose weight – carbohydrates that the body is not able to use , deposited as fat….

Each gram of carbohydrate provides about four calories of energy , they are present in the tissues , performing energy functions and due to this property that are so important to the body.

Carbohydrates derived from various natural sources, have a different availability for digestion and to varying degrees have a pronounced effect on digestion and utilization of food residue .

Carbohydrates are subdivided into :

Digestible ( starches and sugars )
Indigestible (cellulose )

We will learn about some different and most important carbohydrates :


It is a natural and natural food source of easily digestible and absorbable starch excellent source of vitamin B.
One of the main features – high digestibility by which rice is perfect for nursing puppies, dogs, adulthood and aging. Lack of gluten makes it a “replacement” product for pets who have difficulty digesting proteins and suffering from gluten intolerance (gluten-animals).


It is a great source of complex carbohydrates with high bio-availability , contains a significant amount of linoleic acid , unsaturated fatty acids , which is beneficial for skin health .

This is not only a great source of unsaturated fatty acids , but also high-quality fiber, whereby corn is also recommended to feed the animals suffering from gluten intolerance .

(Gluten is a protein contained in such crops , such as wheat, barley , rye and oats. It replaced carbohydrate sources can be replaced by using others, such as rice, maize , millet , cassava , etc.

recommended for :
as an alternative source of high-quality rice carbohydrates.


Nutritional properties of potatoes to a large extent depend on the method of preparation: it becomes a source of high amounts of starch digestibility with superb performance , but only after cooking. The carbohydrate source of high biological value , vitamin C ( natural antioxidant , plays a significant role in the interception of free radicals ) , potassium, B vitamins and sodium ( in small quantities) .



Today harm and benefits of chocolate repeatedly studied by leading researchers in the world. The main use of the popular plus goodies (besides, of course, enjoying the wonderful taste) – saving us from atherosclerosis. This happens because of the high content of essential oil in chocolate, preventing the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels!!chocolate

Substance flavonoids that is also in wine and grapes (known “helpers” of the heart and brain) do not give platelets to stick together so it  protects our organism against heart attacks and strokes. A similar effect also has aspirin, but you must admit that much better would be the bite of chocolate?

According to research of Japanese scientists, up to 50 grams of chocolate every day prevent the development of cancer and peptic ulcer disease. But have to remember that the highest concentration of essential oils miracle, flavonoids, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and catechin antioxidants -is in dark chocolate.

Those who fear this sweetness, assure that harm chocolate much more than good. They can safely argue.

Chocolate can harm only allergies, people who can not limit their-self to the consumption of sweets, and diabetics. The rest is a reasonable amount of candy of dark chocolate a day will only benefit.

Benefits and harms of chocolate depend more on how much you eat every day. Four candy a day will not do you any harm, but bring pleasure. Doctors have found that useful even the aroma of sweetness that has a beneficial effect on our psyche.


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