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Benefits of sweet potatoes (yams)

Benefits of sweet potatoes 

Sweet and regular potatoes belong to carbohydrates group, even they are vegetables.

  •  Cleaning of blood cholesterol. If you eat vegetables that contain high levels of fiber, it lowers cholesterol. In sweet potatoes to be large amounts of vitamin B6, namely it can reduce blood levels of homocysteine​​. Homocysteine ​​promotes the development of degenerative diseases of the cardiovascular system. Yams regulate water balance in the organism, lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow, makes it more elastic arterial wall.
  •   For the treatment of stomach ulcers. In sweet potatoes to be so many different nutrients that assist in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract. These substances include vitamin C, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamins of group B. If person gastritis or ulcer, these substances soothe inflammation and reduces severe pain. The product has to be a lot of fiber, which prevents constipation and absorbs excess acid.

My lovely receipt using sweet potatoes:

Clean sweet and regular potatoes, cut in small pieces and fry  with little bit olive oil.
After 15-20 min add sweet chili  sous and mix all. Can put little bit soul according your taste.
 Picture will come soon!!

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